Why are the General Public surprised when they learn that Government's will not adequately Compensate for Vaccine Associated Injuries? . . .

Remember it was 'Government' who initially awarded 'Indemnity' to the Collective Pharmacutical Industry and the Medical personnel tasked with administration back in 1986 under President Ronald Regan. Which Created a ' Free Market - No Liability' for multitude of currently administered 'Vaccines'.

And the Government's accross the Globe push to introduce 'Mandatory Vaccines' along with a 'Vaccine Injury Compensation Programme'.

So how do the various Government Agencies accross the World limit their own 'Liability'? . . . They use 'The Vaccine Injury Table' to adjudicate on potential cases taken against the Government.

And the current 'Vaccine Injury Table' as ammended in 2017 uses very deliberate 'Exclusionary Criteria'.

They 'Exclude' from Compensation Any 'Infant/ Child / Adult' within the general population showing signs of an already established 'Disease Process'.

Cancer Patients, Persons with Genetically associated conditions like Fragile X, Cystic Fibrosis, Retts Syndrome etc, and Infants showing the Residual effects of Birth related Trauma/ Injury. Which is certainly NOT a small percentage of the Population.

But it's a 'Win - Win' situation for all involved in the 'Corrupt' World Of Modern Day Medicine, The Collective Pharmacutical Industry and the Government's tasked with Purchase and Administration of such products. 'PROFIT' driven, at the absolute devestating destruction from accumulative Viral/ Toxin associated neurological infection and accumulative toxic degenerative injury to the most systemically vulnerable members of our 'Collective Society'.

Which in Reality is very Obvious and Blatent 'Discrimination on Grounds Of Disability and Ill- Health'.

Parent of a Birth Injured and subsequently severely Vaccine Injured child who developed Regressive Autism/ Degenerstive Demylinating Neuropathy/SSPE Post MMR Vaccine.

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I think the shock has become more of the facetious nature than literal. Any way you look at it, it’s a sad, pathetic state of affairs. They care far more about how well-lined their pockets are than they do about the well-being of the people that are relied upon for the funds with their hardworking tax dollars.

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Other budget items of interest, if they exist, would be: 1) amount spent/budgeted for "outreach" (to inform the public about the CICP); and the 2) amount spent/budgeted for vaccine injury analysis/studies.

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zero / zero A question to HRSA admins in the ACCV mtgs. "Why does the Sec'y of HHS refuse to promote the NVICP or CICP via public service announcements?"

Answer. "We are concerned that too much emphasis on these programs might discourage parents and individuals to vaccinate."

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In one ACCV meeting, I recall HHS admitting that they only spent $10,000/yr. on "outreach." I asked HHS to describe exactly how they spent that $10K. HHS said they spent it traveling/delivering papers on how to set up vac injury compensation programs in other countries (as if, ours were working so well) and setting up tables at Pediatrics-type conventions. A counterproductive pittance!

On a separate subject, I don't think the public knows that the vaccine consumer pays the hefty excise tax (75 centers per antigen) on each NVICP-covered shot they receive. That is, they pay for "insurance" they don't even know they have.

This (excise tax) money is then collected by manufacturer and deposited into the Vaccine Injury Trust Fund, after which 25% of those proceeds is taken off the top and deposited into the US Treasury general funds. This means that we are not only fighting HHS/CDC, but also the US TREASURY, a tough, hidden opponent to amending/abolishing the NVICP.

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Wow, that is so interesting. So, 25 cents, of the 75 cents/ per antigen goes to the US Treasury? That is one-third?

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It is 25% per IRS code for trust funds admin by Feds. That equates to $0.595 to the Trust Fund and $0.155 to the US Treasury. Then the Treasury converts the cash to Treasury securities in the form of IOU's such as T-bills. The Trust Fund does collect interest on these securities. Yet it is Uncle Sam that has all the cash. The balance in the Trust Fund currently sits at $4.2 billion.

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