Some of the denied claims do not bode well. One included GBS. Which is outrageous. They have well over 200 claims for GBS. Dwarfing the 30 H1N1 claims for GBS compensated by this program as a table injury.

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Wayne A Rohde

I filed my claim in August, a year after my injury but it took everything in me to do it because I know that my chances of being compensated are slim to none and a measly couple thousand dollars can NEVER make up for stealing me from my 5 year old daughter for a year+ and then infecting her with Mononucleosis and possibly vaccine shedding. A couple thousand dollars can’t even cover the amount of money I have spent to simply survive while unable to work or the unending pain and suffering I live with every day or make up for what my child has suffered. So I understand people giving up! The entire thing is so outrageous!

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by Wayne A Rohde

Thanks for doing this important work Wayne.

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Here is a link in which the CDC admits that the Jannsen causes GBS.


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The follow up paper tries to wash the hands for the mRNA jabs; however, the data actually shows the rate of GBS is caused at one comparable to the H1N1 jab. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/article-abstract/2791533

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Mar 15, 2023Liked by Wayne A Rohde

Wayne, here is a study that shows just how awful the CICP is. They determined that 94% of their costs go to administration leaving just 6% for benefits! Compare that to the VICP with 12% administration costs. The only people being compensated in this "Compensation Program" are the CICP employees. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8977129/ Ironically, since the employees of the CICP are federal employees if they're injured by the C19 vaccines they can file a claim under the Federal Employees Compensation act and get paid time off. https://www.fedweek.com/fedweek/side-effects-of-vaccination-to-be-covered-under-feca/

When the PREP Act was passed their was no provision on funding the CICP. The PREP Act itself is unconstitutional and needs to be abolished. By requiring someone filing a lawsuit to have to first file a claim in the CICP, then file the lawsuit in just one court in DC only for "willful misconduct" is a violation of the unconstitutional conditions directive. https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/amdt1-2-11-2-2/ALDE_00000771/%5B'article',%20'3',%20'section',%20'2',%20'judges'%5D

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Mark, as for the PREP Act being unconstitutional, there is a legal argument that is being made stating the "willful misconduct" declaration lacks due process, thus making it unconstitutional. That argument will have to be made in Federal District Court of the District of Columbia. Good luck with that snake pit of judges, all wanting to move up the ladder.

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Mark, thanks for your reply. I have spoken with the authors of the study. Also informed them of my FOIA activity regarding current budgets for the CICP for staffing and compensation. They were unaware of HRSA's budget increase to hire federal contractors to handle petition processing and interface with petitioners. However, the pathetic amount budgets for comp FY2023 is only $5M. That is up from FY2022 936K.

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023Liked by Wayne A Rohde

BTW, who is making the legal argument in the DC Court? Maybe show them this Table of Laws Held Unconstitutional. https://constitution.congress.gov/resources/unconstitutional-laws/

Plenty of cases demonstrate that by differentiating and creating distinct classes of the vaccine injured based on the vaccine you received and or if you're a federal employee is unconstitutional. The basic fundamental tenet and cornerstone of our democracy is that everyone is to receive equal treatment under the law period.

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The problem with this entire setup is that the Program is designed to protect Pharma and the Fed agencies that carry out their bidding. The Federal District Court of the District of Columbia is a snakepit full of judges who want to move up. With all challenges to any federal law, the first step is to get past dismissal, then maybe have a chance to argument the points of law.

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This Wiki page also discusses how delegating broad legislative power to the executive branch of government is also a violation of the US Constitution. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_Readiness_and_Emergency_Preparedness_Act

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

Wayne, I saw your FOIA requests for the CICP previous yearly budget amounts and how low they were. Even now with the benefits upped to $5M for benefits, the $15M for administration costs representing 75% of their total budget is still incredibly lopsided compared to the 12% to 88% ratio for the VICP. And just as incredibly the federal employees that work at the CICP are protected by the FECA and therefore aren't forced to file a vax injury claim in the CICP! Talk about violating the Equal Protection Clause!

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and this does not include the VAERS reports, correct?

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"That’s what we get when our government relies on contractors to process petition claims, correspondence with petitioners, and correlate data for monthly and annual reporting."

I wish that were the problem. The problem is poor management and nonexistent monitorying of work, and the people in charge of that are generally not contract workers.

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@James Lyon-Weiler: There’s a new study in JAMA claiming that both COVID and all cause deaths were significantly lower in highly vaccinated states vs lower vaccinated states. I can see the author has a long list of conflicts (and study was funded by CDC) but could you do an analysis and tell us if the methodology makes sense? https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2798990

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