I hope someone has been tracking the "died suddenly" excess mortality rates in Africa, particularly from when GAVI, Wellcome and Covax all moved in to build facilities for production in 2022, and onwards.

I'll hazard a guess that we will start to get stories of increased mortality🤔😐

It will be blamed on a newer, more deadlier strain, rather than admit the shots are contaminated with plasmids, among other things. Given the far lower uptake in those African nations thst paid for access to the shots (like South Africa), it's going to take longer to see the fall out. So it will be closer to 2026 before they reach the same level as developed countries are now (and still rapidly climbing).🤔😐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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And they say Rockefeller is dead. He is more alive than ever!

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Their eugenics movement is flourishing

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So criminal! It sickens me. No one will stop this evil. All of those administering these shots should be recipients and have all of the boosters. Hopefully people will say NO THANK YOU!!

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No one is safe until everyone is DEAD.

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