The answer to the we don’t know answers is probably no. CICP is not subject to judicial oversight and run by the agency responsible for the injurious countermeasure. Ergo, it is safe and effective and not their problem. The only reason GBS got barely compensated is because Congress added it to the table 4 years after the fact.

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Also, did you know that federal employees and civil officers who suffered an adverse effect from the vaccines per the Dept. of Labor could file a workers compensation claim for wage loss and disability through the Federal Employees' Compensation Act. And they didn't even have to prove that they were vaccinated! If fact it says no proof of any kind needed! WTF!


The OWCP affords coverage for disability and medical care for

conditions that develop as the results of:

• Covid-19 vaccination (excluding boosters) provided/sponsored by

employing agency on or after September 9, 2021.

• Will also cover for vaccines prior to September 9, 2021 if administered

or sponsored by employing agency.

• Injuries sustained as direct result of receiving their mandated

vaccine (ex. slip and fall injuries occurring at medical facility

vaccination was administered).

No vaccination card or proof of any kind needed to support diagnosis or

causal relationship.

And, to top this off, in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Congress allocated $570 million just for federal employees paid leave if they caught C-19 or had a vaccine adverse reaction. $570 MILLION! https://www.congress.gov/117/plaws/publ2/PLAW-117publ2.pdf

What our Program Does

The Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) Claims Administration adjudicates new claims for benefits and manages ongoing cases; pays medical expenses and compensation benefits to injured workers and survivors; and helps injured employees return to work when they are medically able to do so.

Look how much federal employees were compensated in FY 2022. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/owcp/FECA/about

In FY 2022, over 182,000 new cases were created. The program provided $2.923 billion in benefits to more than 179,000 workers and survivors for work-related injuries or illnesses. Of these benefits payments, over $2.049 billion was for wage-loss compensation, $716 million for medical and rehabilitation services, and $156 million for death benefits payments to surviving dependents.

I think a FOIA request needs to be done to find out how many federal employees were compensated for vaccine injuries and the total amount paid.

I contend that people like myself who performed our patriotic and civil duties for the benefit of the United States by volunteering to get immunized meet the criteria under the definition of "Employee"

per the FECA and therefore should be able to file a claim with the OWCP. The US benefited from out "personal service" and the PREP Act and EUA's authorized acceptance of that service. Vaccines won't have any effect unless they're administered. So abolish the CICP and forget about trying to file in the VICP and let us be treated as well as federal employees are. It's our tax dollars too right?


§8101. Definitions

For the purpose of this subchapter--

(1) "employee" means--

(A) a civil officer or employee in any branch of the Government of the United States, including an officer or employee of an instrumentality wholly owned by the United States;

(B) an individual rendering personal service to the United States similar to the service of a civil officer or employee of the United States, without pay or for nominal pay, when a statute authorizes the acceptance or use of the service, or authorizes payment of travel or other expenses of the individual;

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Since the announcement of the FECA program accepting vax injury petitions, it may be the only good program for help of vax injured fed employees.

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Then we should have access to it as well. Nothing is happening in congress to move the claims to the VICP and the CICP is nothing more than lip service to give the appearance that there's a remedy. Biden just quietly officially ended the pandemic but also gave big pharma another $5 billion for "Next Gen" vaccine development. That's 1000x more than what he approved for the CICP budget.

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Each state has their own workers comp for non-fed residents that were required to get the C19 vaccine by their employer. Unfortunately, several states' workers comp does not recognize vaccine injury as an eligible injury for compensation.

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Wayne, all one has to do is compare the number of claims and the budget of the VICP to the CICP to see they underfunded the CICP knowing there were over 11,100 claims pending. https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hrsa/about/budget/budget-justification-fy20220.pdf

And you're absolutely right, it's not compensation program it's a reimbursement program and even that's not accurate. They only people being compensated are the employees that work there.

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