I used to be a nurse. I was never ashamed of my path. I am now. Not because of these courageous nurses; because of the ones who buckled under and went along.

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Me too Beverly. I was a nurse for 35 years retiring in 2016. My daughter got covid the week before Christmas 2021 and I wanted her to get monoclonal antibodies, but none of the places around us would give it if you hadn't been vaccinated. So I found a telehealth doctor a friend had used who prescribed her all the illegal drugs- Ivermectin, Hcq, steroids and some others I thought were overkill, but he was very thorough on the phone explaining what each did and how to take them. The only one I questioned was the steroids because it was 5 days with no tapering down. Sure enough when she stopped the steroids, the symptoms became worse and on Christmas morning I had no choice but to take her to the ER. They diagnosed her with pneumonia, but it wasn't bad, just some infiltrates in one upper lobe, gave her an IV infusion of steroids and some oxygen and after a couple of hours she wanted to leave. The doctor told her he felt she should stay overnight for observation which we agreed to if I could stay with her and she only received the steroids and O2. They moved her to a room upstairs after a few hours and we slept most of the night. The next morning all hell broke loose. The day shift nurse came on, opened the door and yells at me and says I have to leave because she's not allowed visitors. I told her "No, I've been here all night and she wants me here. I'm her mother." The next thing I know the door slams open and 4 security guards are telling me "I better get up and go with them right now or they will call the police and have me arrested." I looked at them and said, " Arrested, for what? I haven't committed any crimes, I'm sitting here with my daughter because she wants me here." He said you have to leave because the nurses don't want you here. We soon found out why. It's kind of hard to murder patients with family at the bedside, especially if one of them is a nurse. I did end up leaving, only because we live in a liberal city and I didn't trust if they had called the police I didn't know what they would have done and I wouldn't be of any help to her in jail. But I was able to monitor everything through her MyChart account from home. Her labs. Doctor notes and we FaceTime and texted and talked over the phone constantly. And what I saw happening was shocking. They ended up giving her Remdesivir, even when she refused it, lied to her about other drugs and the risks associated with them (like Baricitinib,a drug so toxic it should have never been given approval) and withheld food and water. She was never given anything for personal hygiene, no one ever inquired about intake or output even though 24 hr I & O was ordered and they would keep turning up her oxygen to ridiculous high rates when she had no shortness of breath and lie to her about her Sat levels. The turning point came when a RT turned the monitor around so she could see what her Sat levels really were, and I instructed her on how to start weaning off the oxygen. And guess what? Her sats were in the 90's. What prompted us to do this? Well one day, when she had been so beaten up and depressed by everything that had happened, they kept turning the oxygen up, putting her on a hi flow mask, then a rebreather, telling her a vent was next, that her Sats were in the 70's and the nurse had her get in the prone position then got down in her ear and said, "I bet you wish you had gotten the vaccine now, huh? Then your son wouldn't have to grow up without a mother." I knew then these people were pure evil and I had to get her out of there or they were going to kill her. And that's what we did. She weaned herself off the O2 and signed out AMA the next day. But it took a year of counseling for her to come to grips with the anxiety she was left with and she still struggles with some PTSD. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the profession I loved all those years has sunk this low.

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I can’t check the heart to like your post . I’m livid. You have got to get on a podcast and get this on a record somewhere. JFC. Are you in contact with a lawyer? Do you have a copy of her EMR? What are your plans? I’m so done with being nice and holding my tongue.

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I've posted her story on a lot of other substack channels, but I could write a book. I only scratched the surface of everything that happened. When my husband went and picked her up from the hospital and brought her to our house the first night, she came in the house, threw her arms around me and sobbed for about an hour. When she finally calmed down, she said, "I'm not crying for myself, I made it out of there, but what about all those other people who didn't, what about all those families who lost their loved ones? It's just not right. We have to tell someone and stop this." I called 4 different attorneys, 2 in state and 2 out of state, I couldn't even get past their receptionist. I even offered to pay them for their time. We weren't looking for money either, we just wanted to get the atrocities exposed because at this time, it was still being censored. I wrote to my legislators, and the only one who wrote me back was Senator Rand Paul who promised he would continue to fight to hold Fauci accountable for his role in the gain of function research which produced the virus. But he didn't mention anything about the protocols he designed and were being followed in the hospitals. I did get her chart from the hospital. I had to order it twice because the first time I was sure they had left a lot out. The second time I specifically requested all nursing documentation and when I got it , it was exactly the same as the first copy. Pathetic. In 5 days, there were exactly 5 annotations written by 3 different nurses and those were in the first 2 days and were not significant. I did not see a head to toe assessment on the chart, I and O was rarely charted and if it was it was incomplete and there were even times that vital signs were missing. But the most disturbing thing to me was that on the 3rd day, the doctor suddenly writes a diagnosis of Sepsis. She had been afebrile her entire stay, her labs were perfectly normal, and this was a completely out of the blue diagnosis. Even more bizarre, he didn't write for any treatment for Sepsis. And the nurses never addressed it in charting. Truthfully, I think he was just adding that on so he would have a secondary diagnosis to add to the death certificate. In fact, after discharge, the coder put a note on the chart to the doctor asking him to justify the diagnosis since there wasn't any criteria that met the diagnosis and she couldn't code that diagnosis on the chart for insurance purposes. He wrote some illogical, unintelligent response. If you really want to have your mind blown, right now my main focus for the next few months is stopping a bill the Ky Nurses Association is trying to push in the KY Legislature that will give" immunity to ALL healthcare providers from criminal liability for any harm or damages alleged to arise from an act or omission relating to the provision of health services". Gee, I wonder why they would need that? They already had immunity from civil liability which is why no attorney would even talk to anyone who lost a loved one to Covid in the hospital or from a vaccine injury. Now they want to make sure their medical murders can't be punished either. Sorry, if we start giving them a free pass to commit any criminal act they want in the hospitals or really anywhere, it's going to be a free for all. The public already has lost trust in the medical establishment . What do you think this will do? I never was one to hold my tongue, and I sure as hell am not going to now.,

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I've been writing a response and deleted it. Most of my stuff goes there. I don’t know where to begin. I met Sen. Paul at a fund raiser and feel he is the real deal. He promised to read THE BOOK (the real anthony fauci) which he had not heard of and I mailed to his office. This was 2 years ago. Thomas Massey was also there and I think he is also a good guy. He said his mom is also a retired nurse and he had heard of THE BOOK but had not read it yet. I urged him to do so and mailed him a copy as well. My new hobby is finding used copies and mailing them to celebrities . etc. This pile of crap keeps getting deeper and dirtier. Hard to not be overwhelmed. I can imagine what it must be like for you with your personal experience. How can I help with your plan to stop the proposed bill? I have met a retired MD who is looking for a way to fight back. Still trying to find my tribe. God bless you with strength to fight and peace to live and survive this mess. I call it ww3.

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This is how Satan, the father of LIES and DECEIPT, works in conniving and subtle ways, as a wolf in sheep's clothing. Politicians like Rand Paul and even his father Ron Paul, etc. put on charismatic and a likeable respectable appearance in the public eye, but they are captured, meaning they work for the Owners of this planet. So they may tell us that they're going to do so and so, but they are beholden to their masters (The Owners of this planet).

And if Rand Paul is who we think he is because of his public image at senate committee hearings raging against Fauci, then why isn't Anthony Fauci sitting in Jail after Rand Paul gave him a tongue lashing of an indictment at the Senate Committee Hearing?

Even ex-President Donald Trump the king of charisma comes across as appealing and likeable at first glance, but all of these people are well trained actors to play their role in front of the camera to portray that they are for the people, and they want to make America Great Again and all of that PR BRAINWASHING REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY PROPAGANDA (mind programming). When in reality they're just actors acting and playing their part in the play.

Remember when Trump recited the SNAKE poem making the public believe that it was about illegal immigrants, well Trump was telling America that America should have known that Trump was the SNAKE before America took him in as President and that he would be the SNAKE to deliver the POISONOUS SNAKE BITE (CV-19 Vaccine) that would KILL millions via post-vaccine AUTOIMMUNE CYTOKINE STORMS... which Trump also cryptically referenced "The CALM before the STORM"... all cryptic notices being given to the masses of what was to come in 2017 and 2018 California Fires and the 2020 COVNVid PLANNEDemic GENOCIDE.

Trump is so likeable we've already forgotten that it was Trump who played the KEY ROLE of ushering into America the criminally fraudulent 2020 CONVid PLANNEDemic that led to GENOCIDE of millions of people by the hospitals being financially incentivized and converted into NAZI-KILLING-HOSPITALS murdering patients by implementing dehydration, starvation, and strict hospital Covid drug treatment protocols via the LETHAL drug REMDESIVIR as dictated by Anthony Fauci... All for the purpose of driving up the DEATH COUNT labeled as so-called Covid Deaths for not only collecting big government funding for their NAZI HOSPITAL KILLINGS, but also for inducing as much FEAR about so-called Covid in the minds of the masses in order to promote a higher demand for the upcoming VACCINES that would end up KILLING MILLIONS.

Nobody died of so-called Covid at home.

Everybody who died of so-called Covid was murdered at the NAZI-KILLING-HOSPITALS.

We had three beloved uncles (61, 70, 71, from my mother's side of the family) murdered in Mexico's Hospitals in the state of Jalisco. This is not only happening in the USA, but it's happening worldwide in all countries. In the U.K. their NAZI-KILLING-HOSPITALS are using the LETHAL drug MIDAZOLAM.

It's interesting to note that even after Gigi32's daughter (by the Grace of God and her family who helped her escape from the NAZI HOSPITAL'S clutches) was starved, mistreated, and subjected to the LETHAL drug REMDESIVIR, that she still had the strength to survive.

So many people bought into the FEAR MONGERING of the so-called COVNid PLANNEDemic, that at the first sign of a stuffy nose, cough, fever, headache, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. went and got "TESTED" for so-called Covid. Little do they know that the PCR TESTS are criminally FRAUDULENT because even their inventor, Kary Mullis (who died Aug 2019 six months before the kick off of Covid) stated that the PCR TEST is not to be used for diagnosing whether you have a virus or a disease from the virus.

And it is via the criminally FRAUDULENT TESTIG protocol which is exactly how Fauci was able to create the so-called A.I.D.S. EPIDEMIC of the 1980s. People from the Gay Community and/or even non-gay people would go and get a TEST, have the TEST RESULT come back as POSITIVE for A.I.D.S. and the be induced into taking the LETHAL drug A.Z.T. which is what killed them. Professional tennis player Aruther Ashe and Russian ballet dancer Rudolph Nureyev would still be alive today if they would have NEVER been TESTED for A.I.D.S..

The same TESTING protocol has made the GENOCIDAL CONVid PLANNEDemic possible which led to frightened and scared people admit themselves into the hospital when they could have stayed home like any other flu season and rested in bed, chicken soup with freshly squeezed lemon and lime juice for vitamin C, lots of rest, and oxygen if required and they would have recovered back to good health as always.

Many people were falling ill because of laced Flu Shots, Chemtrail Spraying of our Skies with bacterial pathogens and toxic heavy metal nano-particulates, and also because of EMFs - electromagnetic fields wireless radiation being emitted by the 5G cell towers and wireless internet modems and cell phones which have an adverse effect on our red blood cells causing them to abnormally coagulate and lead to flu-like and pneumonia-like symptoms.

Its a mad, mad, mad insane world nowadays.

Never in my entire life could I have ever imagined this GENOCIDE to be possible.

But then again, Hitler's 1940s Nazi Germany was not that long ago.

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So do you live in KY? Send me your email and we can communicate that way and get off this thread. I'll keep you updated on the bill's progress.

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I do live in NKy Bgsjohnson @ hotmail.com dont know why I'm just now seeing this

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Awesome interview. Will get his books.


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