Was the PREP Act extension about creating more fear or was it about bailing out a dying industry?
With the announcement by Sec’y of HHS Beccera to extend The PREP Act provisions for another 5 years, through the end of 2029, was it more about fearmongering the debate over the COVID virus, or was it about bailing out a failing industry?
I am not talking about vaccine manufacturers, but rather, the retail pharmacy business.
It has been known for some time this industry has suffered loses from retail theft, declining sales, difficulty maintaining and hiring pharmacists with low salaries and non appealing scheduling. Walgreens, CVS and RiteAid along with others have been closing stores.
I want to preface this discussion with the fact that my father was a pharmacist. A compound pharmacist using his mortar and pestle. And compounding pharmacies remains a strong and much needed component of health care. They provide specialize service in hospitals and provide medicines and equipment that retail pharmacies will not provide.
The issue with my statement of a dying industry has roots in what my father told me about his business. It is the retail side, selling laundry detergent, school supplies, clothing that took away from his time to provide medicines, vitamins, medical equipment. That was nearly 45 years ago.
When Sec’y Beccera declared The PREP Act back in March 2020, the retail pharmacy lobby raced to his office to ask if they could be included as “covered persons” for administering COVID vaccines.
Prior to the COVID era, most states regulated who could provide vaccines to the public.
This all changed in August 2020 when Sec’y Beccera issued Amendment #3 that added retail pharmacies, the pharmacists and pharmacy techs to the definition of “Covered Persons”. That really did not raise too many concerns. But it was the second part of the amendment that raised serious concerns and questions.
They were allowed to administer not only the COVID vaccine, but the entire childhood schedule of vaccines to children ages 3 and up.
I wrote about the concerns and questions that needed to answered back in September 2020. Article “Bed Bugs, Federal Government, and Roaches.
Now fast forward to current day. The newest extension known as the 12th Amendment includes the continuation of vaccine administration for retail pharmacies.
It was well known that the Pharmacy Lobby was very active this past year lobbying the Sec’y to continue the designation of Covered Persons going forward. They got their Christmas present, all wrapped up with a shiny bow.
The leading injury claim in the NVICP is shoulder injury, many of them requiring surgery and/or extensive physical therapy. These injuries are generally caused by improper administration of a vaccine such as a flu shot. Poor training. And many of them are the result of receiving a vaccine in a retail pharmacy location.
What is alarming is the growing number of shoulder injuries from the COVID vaccine. Those are not litigated in the NVICP. These injuries are shuffled over to the CICP and remain lost. The program has not awarded 1 injury claim. And the people are in pain, suffering, many cannot hold their children in their arm.
The Grinch is live and well, sitting in his office as the Sec’y of HHS. And he will not get a visit from Cindy Lou. However, the incoming Sec’y of HHS can fix this soon.
Keep Learning, Keep Challenging Yourself, and always, always question authority.
Wayne Rohde, author of 2 books on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, the NVICP aka The Vaccine Court.
How about considering both?
Hi Wayne, I have been enjoying your informative articles, as well as your original book. I have a question regarding a different article (but I could not figure out how to comment there, so I'm writing here).
You wrote:
"Once the Sec’y of HHS lists the COVID vaccines as part of the NVICP, in the past with influenza and Hep A and B vaccines where added, an injured person or their estate/guardian has 2 years to file the claim with an 8 year “look-back” provision. Meaning if this process of listing the COVID vaccine as part of the NVICP happens in 2025, injured persons have 2 years from the listing date (2027) to file a claim for a COVID vaccine injury that occurred as far back as 2017. This procedure is only used for adding new vaccines to the program."
Can you explain more about the 2 years to file a claim versus the 8 year look-back, and how that relates to the standard 3 years statute of limitations normally given for vaccines covered in the NCVIP?
Thanks again for your meticulous reporting.