Big time! Congratulations!

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I am an autism mom and a scientist. I believe that the vaccines caused my son's autism and health issues. The vaccine-autism link has been covered up for so long and I always wondered what was it going to take for the truth to come out. Does Mr. Kennedy believe that once the truth about the dangers of the covid vaccines is acknowledged by our health authorities, that people will finally also question the childhood vaccines?

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Ask him re connection betw Covid agenda and murder of his family---were they orchestrated by same group for same agenda

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How do you get millions of families to take the time and give the evidence due consideration? This is a PR game more than it is an evidence game at this point.

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Is a DOCTOR included in the definition of "COVERED PERSONS" in the "Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act for Medical Countermeasures Against COVID-19"? A doctor advices about emergency authorized covid vaccine. Does a doctor have immunity from liability when advices about emergency covid vaccine?

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Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, retired medical clinicians, anyone that is licenses or trained to admin vax, operate medical devices such as tech are considered "covered persons".

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Thanks. What about ADVICE / CONSULT about covid vaccine or treatment under emergency authorization?

Still this is a little secret nobody knows about, with the exception of a few. It is hard to believe but true. What it's exceptional about: the covid vaccine mandates force people to take an emergency vaccine when all medical entities have zero liability. This should be on the front page on anything. I heard it yesterday from Dr. Pierre Kory too.


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I would like to know if he would ever consider leaving Cheryl Hines for me🤣🤭. JK! But I do love this man and all that he fights for. I only discovered his work about 1-1.5 yrs ago. My eyes are so wide open now that they are drying out. I see that Children’s Health Defense has been posting positions and keeping tabs on those. Would love to work for a company whose work and mission I identify with. So in short (or not so short), no specific question, but please pass on our appreciation for his passion, grit, expertise and bravery. So many are behind him and his organization.

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And my copy of his book arrived yesterday!

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