January stats for CICP "reimbursements"
HRSA continuing to throw the C19 vax injured under the bus
HRSA just released the January 2024 statistics for COVID-19 countermeasure injury petition filings and reimbursements.
A continuation of what our federal government has been doing to those who have been seriously injured. Not a damn thing.
HRSA announced that there are now 11 claims that received “compensation”. A more accurate way to call it, medical expense reimbursement.
11 payouts for a grand total of $41,170.00 total. Please excuse my colorful edits. I need to use a PC or laptop instead of my phone next time.
Speaking about edits. HRSA can not even get its reports correct.
Go to this website https://www.hrsa.gov/cicp/cicp-data
View Report #4 (compensated cases). You will see a chart similar to the above. However, download the report and open it up in Excel. You will get Nov 2023 report.
Bunch of idiots running the show. Horrible and pathetic.
What makes this month’s statistics even worse, lets compare it to our neighbor to the north. Canada.
You can compare Canada’s compensation program matches up with our own program.
The Great White North is kicking our ass, helping their citizens while our government does nothing.
Canada has paid out over $11 million Canadian to US $41,000
Let that sink in America. Next month, a comparison of US vs Europe.
Keep learning, keep challenging yourself and always, always question authority.
Wayne Rohde, author of 2 books on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and host of The Right on Point Podcast.
Thank you for reporting.
Thank you, Wayne!!