And if you say something they say all planes make fluffy steam that's lasts for hours ... like we are so stupid we don't know the difference between chemtrails and contrails...
lol uh.. as the daughter, spouse and World traveler w/ a masterful usage of what the Air Force calls "salty language" I worked at Andrews Air force base, been to England too..and many military bases.. where both the language and outrage is expressed.. very well.. good job. :)
I've been in a rage and outraged ever since it started.
Sons of bitches and cunts.
They murder people with nanotechnology, 5 G and the wrong drugs.
Chemtrails, flouride and mind control too
"Lions, tigers and bears, oh my!" ... 🤔
And if you say something they say all planes make fluffy steam that's lasts for hours ... like we are so stupid we don't know the difference between chemtrails and contrails...
lol uh.. as the daughter, spouse and World traveler w/ a masterful usage of what the Air Force calls "salty language" I worked at Andrews Air force base, been to England too..and many military bases.. where both the language and outrage is expressed.. very well.. good job. :)