"It appears from reading case reports, publications from several health organizations around the world, TTS is associated with COVID vaccines, namely AstraZeneca-Oxford COVID-19 vaccine and Janssen COVID-19 vaccines (J&J). It is unclear if Pfizer (Comirnaty) or Moderna (SpikeVax) vaccines have not been associated with TTS."

"I believe it is safe to assume that this award, the majority of it or its entirety is for some form of medical expense reimbursement."

This information supports my idea that the big focus now on "mRNA based kinds of "COVID 19" "vaccines, largely Pfizer and Moderna vaccine products used in the USAin USA, kind of serves, or inadvertently serves to play down the commonalities among ALL of the kinds of "COVID 19" "vaccines", both the viral vector kinds as well as the mRNA kinds.

I remember in January of 2020 I started posting every interesting article I could find about the new "coronavirus" "pandemic." in a forum that I was eventually kicked out of. One person owned and operated the forum and could just decide to kick anyone off any time he she it wanted to. I never could get much intelligent discussion going regarding those "coronavirus" postings of mine but the thread became very popular and when I was banned or kicked off there were over 75,000 hits on the thread.

One posting I remember was one of the early notable deaths associated with "COVID vaccination". It was an M.D. in active practice in the state of Florida who I remember was said to have taken a viral vector type of "COVID vaccine", but I do not recall if it was the AstraZeneca or the J&J. Anyway he was said to have died from "thriombocytopenia" and was a perfectly healthy practicing medical doctor of middle age before having taken the vaccine. I believe he died in 2020 or 2021, one of the early deaths that I posted a news article about.

Now remember, there are many clotting type incidences in people who have only taken one of the mRNA vaccines.

I recognized the signs of a "false flag attack" in the "coronavirus pandemic" early on and that is why I took such an interest in it.

Thrombocytopenia - lets do a little etymology.

Thrombo refers to the clotting of blood

cyto refers to the cell, in this case the cells in living humans

penia if a medical word suffix that refers to low or low amount of , or loss of, for various reasons of some substance that makes up parts of the human body. For example, osteopenia means a person’s bones lose calcium and gradually weaken.

ITP is short for immune thrombocytopenia (THROM-bo-sigh-toe-PEE-nee-uh).

ITP is an autoimmune disorder, which means that the body’s immune system attacks and destroys platelets in the blood. ITP can also slow down the body’s ability to make more platelets.

I have been in the conspiracy corner for many years and I have become aware of very sophisticated tactics used to steer the public's thinking and mindset on certain matters, called mind control. The controllers of major things like worldwide pandemics have very sophisticated mind tricks to keep us from questioning and searching for factual truthful answers.

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You should not have been blocked, i.e. censored as you certainly know whereof you write.

My 56-year-old daughter took one Moderna and one Pfizer mRNA shot, and died 4 months 1 week later of renal cell carcinoma due to the fact that there are 3 codes of both these "vaccines" with code 01 being the saline solution (placebo), code 02 being the regular mRNA, and code 03 being the one that has oncogenes in it according to the head nurse at a university hospital in Slovenia. In the last 3 weeks or possibly less, I called up an attorney who works in the Mattapan area of Boston, MA to sue whomever we can as there are no class action lawsuits in Massachusetts for survivors of the deceased in that state. Alas, that attorney has not seen fit to send me any reply to a very simple Email address that I left on his answerphone. My daughter died over 3 years ago leaving my then 26-year-old grandson who has Asperger's Syndrome alone to cope with his loss and maintain the home that they shared with only minimal support by the trustee who lives in NYC. I live in England, and due to the circumstances in the USA, I will never return there. Does anyone know of an attorney in the Boston, MA area who would file a lawsuit for us? If you do, contact me at a@truedemocracy.net Just put attorney in the subject line. Thank you very much.

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I’ m so sorry!

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Thank you Tami

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You are very welcome. I cannot imagine your pain. My mom has taken all of the phizer boosters at 82 years of age, it’s heartbreaking.

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How is your mother doing? She should be taking Ivermectin. It will save her.

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She is doing ok.

Ivermectin is toxic, it was pushed for those in the alternative community….anything to poison us humans!

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I appreciate all your work keeping track of this. You are the best watchdog!!!

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Amazing news!! Thank you for all you do on this, Wayne.

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That’s not enough but a good victory just the ssme

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It appears that J&J is the leading culprit. Pulled off the market too late.

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When they paused its use in April 2021, they should never have resumed it. They paused it because someone died of a thromboembolic event, yet more people died of similar events during the 10-day pause.

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The maximum they offer ( if you can prove a minimum of 60% disabled from injections ) in Uk , is 100 or 12,000 sterling

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UK system does award directly to injured. In the US, this award is just medical expense reimbursement, no pain & suffering.

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I didnt know that, That's awful. They Both Stink....

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