Every month, generally the 1st or 2nd, HRSA will release monthly statistics representing the activity of the NVICP. Some of the data represents what happened the past month. And other figures tell the ongoing monetary payouts from the Vaccine Injury Trust Fund.
You can access the monthly statistics here. But the reports do not illustrate a complete picture of all petition decisions.
Some of the current figures:
Total outlays from the fund - $4,667,426,191.89 Total compensation - $4,273,742,418.52
The difference of - $393,683,773.37 represents medical expert costs and attorney fees.
For the 2021 Fiscal year which ends Sept 30, 2021, the payout totals $ $236,002,232.51.
What is not reported is the average award for compensation.
$1,036,921.05 for FY 2010. Yet in FY 2021 the avg award is only $311,662.23.
Instead of boring the reader with every statistic, I invite you to poke around. Look at petition filings, adjudications, and claims filed.
See what interests you.
Ask questions.
Keep Learning, Keep Challenging Yourself, and always, always question authority.
Have a good day.