There has been so many discussions, debates and scientific evidence that has emerged regarding the safety concerns of mRNA vaccine technology.
The current COVID-19 vaccines are front and center. And the thousands of people who have been injured need to be fairly compensated instead of being thrown under the CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) bus.
I admit that in the past, I advocated for the Secretary of HHS to move the COVID-19 vaccines into the NVICP so the injured can seek compensation. The injured were just ignored in the trash heap known as the CICP.
For the last 6 months, I have been rethinking about the idea of mRNA vaccine injury compensation.
I recently submitted a proposal to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to seek compensation not only for the COVID-19 injured and other “pandemic vaccine injuries” that will follow. The Bird Flu vaccine and what ever else comes down the road.
There are several options that I outlined in my proposal including legal precedent, past actions by the Secretary of HHS (H1N1 flu vaccine 2009-2010).
I will not go into great detail in this article but want to discuss a few options.
Sec’y of HHS moves COVID-19 vaccine into the NVICP along with a developed injury table of known medical outcomes. Report from NASEM in April 2024 outlined a few.
Keep COVID-19 vaccine inside the CICP and petitioners face the bureaucracy of HRSA, keeping the right to file and loose.
Reform measures inside the CICP.
Adopted and modify legislation introduced in March 2022 by Sen Mike Lee, Sen Ron Johnson, Sen Patty Hyde-Smith and Sen Mike Braun (now Governor of Indiana). This would create a separate “silo” within CICP and adopted the characteristics of the NVICP.
Dismantling the CICP and allow petitioners to seek court remedies.
Option 1. Moving the COVID-19 vaccines into the NVICP would certainly allow those who were injured to be represented by attorneys and the use of medical experts to testify on their behalf. This is a fair and equitable method of adjudicating injury petitioners. Several of the CICP injured are experiencing the same medical outcomes of those who were injured by the flu shot, GBS, transverse myelitis, etc. However in the CICP, those injuries are not being compensated nor medical care needs are not being addressed. The downside of allowing COVID-19 vaccines in my opinion is this. This move would give the greenlight for development of mRNA vaccines for the flu shot, MMR, DTaP, Hep B and other childhood vaccines.
Option 2 is probably the most cruel and immoral. Just continue to ignore the pain and suffering of those who truly need help with medical care and future medical needs. What message does this send to the rest of the nation?
Option 3. To reform the existing CICP would require a very heavy lift by Congress and with Pharma lobby resisting.
Option 4. This might have the best promise. To keep pandemic vaccines inside the CICP but litigated separately from other countermeasures such as medical devices and anti-viral drugs. The original legislation was to try to keep the COVID-19 vaccines away from children. But that became moot later in 2022 when the vaccine was approved under EUA for kids.
Option 5. This would require a very heavy lift by Congress. Will not get done.
There are several more options in my proposal but require a great deal of thought on how to act upon them or not wanting to disclose your entire hand before RFK Jr and staff are in place.
Keep Learning, Keep Challenging Yourself and Always, Always question Authority.
what's scary is that they're now admitting a 40% INCREASE in heart conditions since they were rolled out in 2021..
Remove the 1986 act protecting pharma from being sued in real courts.