On Monday, Oct 16, 2023, HRSA released its October data regarding petitions filed for COVID-19 related injuries and death.
And it is not good. Our government continues to turn their backs on those who were injured by the COVID-19 vaccine.
The October report shows that two more petitions were “compensated” by HRSA. Myocarditis injuries for both petitioners, reimbursement of medical expenses not covered by insurance or other means.
For the previous two months, HRSA did not “compensate” any petitions. With the two announced earlier this week, the grand total for compensable petitions is now at six.
Just pathetic, lousy, complete cow manure. What the hell are the people in HRSA doing?
Let’s look under the hood and see how HRSA spends their time and resources processing petitions. They are good at that part. Processing. Ignoring those who have been injured. And wasting time.
Since September:
Total Claims filed increased by 123. Now standing at 12,233.
Decisions increased by 106 from this past month. Now at 1,267.
Of that number denials increased by the same amount 106. Now at 1,235. Who said that HRSA has done nothing. They have. Their efforts are concentrating on denying any worthy compensation.
Most of the denials, 85 out of 106, are the direct result of statute of limitations expiring. When the Sec’y of HHS does not tell the vaccine recipients of this program, how will they know?
Don’t hold your breathe for any good news regarding November statistics report.
But do say a prayer for those who have been injured. They need our help. They need the federal government to help like other countries are doing.
Keep learning, keep challenging yourself and always, always question authority.
Wayne Rohde, author of two books on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, aka The Vaccine Court.
Let them show a complete list of these lethal injections, but also other "countermeasures", that are loaded with TOXIC nanotechnology.
Nobody should take these injections!!!