Generally, HRSA will release reimbursement statistics plus other data around the 15th of each month. This time, HRSA did not release February 1 data until the afternoon of March 21st and then combined it with March 1 data.
What was causing this great delay? It certainly was not the monthly report of reimbursements for injury from the C19 jab.
Matter of fact, not one petition was awarded “compensation” since January 1, 2024.
Not one. But HRSA was busy dismissing claims. 197 petitions were dismissed for missing the 1 year statute of limitations deadline. That calculates to a total of 1,517 petitions dismissed for C19jabs because of the statute of limitations.
Total petitions denied this combined reporting period equal = 226. But not one petition compensated or actually reimbursed for medical expenses.
Where do we stand.
The number of new claims filed = 177. Total claims filed for all COVID related countermeasures, 13,031. Claims for vaccine related injuries, 10,018 and 3,013 claims from other countermeasures such as medical devices, drugs and meds.
Keep learning, Keep Challenging Yourself and always, always question authority.
Wayne Rohde, author of 2 books on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, The Vaccine Court and The Vaccine Court 2.0.