15 week course -CICP & Vaccine Court Fall 2022 IPAK-EDU
Guess who is coming for dinner? Actually lunch.
Announcing the first ever 15-week 1-hour course and deep dive into the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and the CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program. Starting in September.
I am super excited to be teaching this course. We will have some very good discussion and debate on topics of vax injury compensation, how our legal system and federal agencies process claims, the ongoing argument of policy vs science in decisions. You will hear from a few parents and individuals that journeyed through the NVICP and CICP.
[view open courses & register here]
Vaccine Injury Compensation Programs in the US
(Rohde, Tuesdays, 1PM ET)
In this course, students will learn the structure, function, and defects of the programs in the US created by Congress to award compensation to adults and children potentially and actually harmed or killed by vaccines. We will review a variety of important topics, review case histories. This course is for parents and lawyers new to US vaccine injury compensation programs.
[view open courses & register here]
All of our courses are LIVE w/Q&A w/the Instructor - and discussion sessions. Each class presentation is available as video following the live class meeting so you can access any classes that you miss or want to review.
And for all attendees, pizza and beer are allowed. You can even attend in your pajamas.
Keep learning (sign up today), keep challenging yourself and always, always question authority
[view open courses & register here]